Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cowl neck sweater

Well, I haven't been very good at this blogging thing so far!  I was so excited when I first started and then discovered I lead a pretty quite life and had nothing to write about! LOL!  One past time I do enjoy though is my knitting.  Sometimes you'll see me at work knitting with Deniz at lunch time, or otherwise I enjoy knitting while watching tv.  I've finished some very nice objects for myself and others over the years and my latest project is the Lace Cowl Neck Pullover by Amanda Reed of Delicious Stitches.  I love it and have worn it to the office twice now have received so many wonderful comments!!

Other than it being a horrible hair day, I felt fabulous in my new top!!  Thanks Amanda for a great design! :-)


  1. It looks great! I showed it to my mother in law and she loved it! "Helen's a very good knitter, isn't she?" she asked :-)

  2. Thanks so much to you and your mum in law!! I love it too! :D
